@localbranding 2016-2019
Lead Designer, Account Manager, Front-End Dev
Bringing the brand and productline of the family-owned marketing-agency to a modern level and establish internal- and product-processes without stopping the daily business.
Establishing a new visual identity
LocalBranding is a full-service agency for smaller businesses which provides a full-stack marketing set-up in a building-kit-system. The challenge was to emphasize a more powerful, classic/professional but also personal and trustful look and feel.
Developing the core elements of the rebrand.
The old signet contains a hidden lion head.
To build up a feeling of protection and trust we choose to cancel the symbol of the butterfly and use the lion as the signet only.
For a more professional but classic look and feel we decided to transform the main font "Impact" into "Lato". The clean font face with classic elements like the descender of the small g underlines the message of the brand.
As a contrasting font, we took "Fira Mono" for subheadlines only.
To maximize the focus we reduced the two main colors from blue/orange to orange only.
The reason for taking the orange instead of the blue was to be able to emphasize a warm but active and personal appearance.
In the next step, we developed a vivid and friendly color palette.
The result is a clean and functional logo with a basic branding set that can be used without making many exceptions and extra rules.
Agency Webshop, Online Styleguide and Component Library.
Restructuring the product & service line
Example on Webshops & Websites:
made for small budgets and easy customization
To guarantee low prices and a fast outcome, the client can choose
between different sector themes in which the clients' company is located. Restricted customization of the theme is inclusive.
For a fluent and low-price workflow, the following process and file structure were established.
Full-service on every layer.
LocalBranding connects all needs for the daily business of small companies in one ecosystem. For that, the agency offers different platforms for different needs.
LocalBranding has a full-service philosophy. In digital products, it is a no brainer to offer the production in-house. To close this gap for print products a print service platform "localbranding.productions" was created.
In the daily business, it often happens that the client has no real data structure nor storage.
Important documents, handovers or deliveries where kept in different places, USB-sticks or mail accounts. To make the workflow easier LocalBranding offers a cloud storage service for their clients.
Selected Works
Experience - Europace DesignsystemDesign System for a multi product company
Europace RedesignReshaping of a multi product design language
FinnHelping consumers to better understand their real estate financing
AOK NordostRewarding health insurance clients for a healthy, active and social lifestyle